Stop planning, forget the “How”

The last couple of weeks, I’ve been talking about aiming for MUCH bigger in my business, in my life, and in my purpose. I’ve stretched, looked into the fears of dreaming TOO big (is there such a thing?!) and looked at all the other emotions that come up once I’ve actually MADE the decision to play a bigger game: issues of safety, not rocking the boat, and self-doubt as to whether I really CAN play a bigger game in life and business.

But then, if this weren’t enough, there’s yet another thing that is likely to stop a

Executive Coaching

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Team Coaching Competencies 2 and 3

In the first blog of this series, we reviewed the additional points of skill from ICF’s Team Coaching Competencies.  Continue here with competencies 2 and 3.

Competency 2: Embodies a Coaching Mindset

+ Engages in coaching supervision for support, development, and accountability when needed.

+ Remains objective and aware of team dynamics and patterns

What this means:

Coaches are committed to our own ongoing development and having a reflective practice. The added thought here is that coaching supervision is a sounding board focused on the coaching, taking the reflective practice deeper. Team coaching involves dealing with a …

Leadership Coach

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Tamsin overcame self-doubt and hit $12K a month

Sometimes things in our personal life can affect our confidence and leak into our business life. Tamsin’s story is proof that, once you gain your confidence, you increase your income quickly. 

It’s amazing how, when we are surrounded by people who fiercely believe in us, who lift us up and encourage us, everything changes. As she shared in the video, Tamsin had her biggest month ($12K – in 2020!) after enrolling in Boldheart Business.  

In a recent conversation with me, Tamsin shared that she had tried different programs and coaches, but just didn’t feel like they

Operations Manager

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Team Coaching Competencies Series – Competency 1

The International Coaching Federation created competencies for Team Coaching through an extensive process and working with experts.  The Team Coaching competencies are additional points for each of the existing competencies.  In the future they plan to offer a credential in team coaching.  For now, let us explore the additions to the competencies as Team Coaching Competencies in this blog series.

Each competency has additional points for the Team Coaching and this series will go through the competencies in order.

Competency 1: Demonstrates Ethical Practice

+ Coaches the client team as a single entity.

+ Maintains the distinction between

Executive Coaching

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The ‘Perception of Increase’ gets you more clients

“People will go where they are given an increase.” – Wallace Wattles

Too many solo-entrepreneurs, especially women, tend to downplay their successes. They either don’t stop long enough to see how much they’ve actually accomplished, or they’re too shy to share with others how well things are going, for fear of bragging.

(And yes, bragging is annoying because it’s usually done with the purpose of making others feel inferior. This is NOT what I’m talking about today. We’re talking about sharing successes and inspiring others through our own example so they begin to believe in themselves.)

You see,

Career Coach

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The Talents of Impactful Coaches

Perhaps you have heard the old tale of a woodcutter who so impressed their king that they were given the most important areas of forest to cut.  In the beginning the volume of cutting was impressive.  Over time that volume became less and less.  The woodcutter was perplexed because they were working the same number of hours and working just as hard.  Why were they cutting less?  With time the axe had become dull and less effective.  The woodcutter simply had to sharpen their axe and then they were once again cutting at the high volume.

Operation Planning

The post The Talents of Impactful Coaches first appeared on OPS Coach.

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New Challenges to Operational Efficiencies Because of COVID Protocols


We’re all aware of the fact that COVID-19 has changed life as we know it in this country (and the world). Because of this pandemic, there is a new level of complexity in everything we do. Whether it’s having to mask up, sanitize grocery cart handles, and remember not to touch your face before washing your hands just to shop for your family’s dinner, or running your business’s operations safely by instituting new protocols designed to keep your workers healthy, COVID has inserted all sorts of new steps into old processes.

These are necessary evils, at least for

Operations Manager

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Talk Openly, Focus on What You Control, and Value Relationships

Many things are happening on personal and professional levels with the pandemic, protests, etc.  Another stressor – a risky one to discuss – is politics.  Current politics have resulted in people being stressed over polarized viewpoints.  People are arguing and losing friendships.  How much control does any one person have when it comes to an election?  Getting stressed out about things that are outside of our control is easy to do, and what is the benefit of that?  Recently I was talking with someone who had friends with different political beliefs.  They place value on these friendships, and there

The post Talk Openly, Focus on What You Control, and Value Relationships first appeared on OPS Coach.

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